Many people do not realize just how much money is leaking out of their homes through their windows. When you have older windows in your home, there is a good chance that cold air seeps into the home during the winter months, making your heater kick on more than necessary. In the summer, your house may get warmer, causing the air conditioner to run even more.
This extra amount of heating and cooling can really add up when it comes to your energy costs.
If you want to save on your energy costs, start by replacing your windows. If you have single-pane windows, you need to install double pane windows as soon as possible. Once you do this you will see a drastic difference in your bills.
UV protected glass can also help lower the cost of cooling and heating your home. This is one extra that you will want to consider.
Finally, make sure that your windows are installed correctly. Installation is extremely important when it comes to your windows. Make sure that you have them installed by a professional.